When I DM, I treat any animal or companion that was not acquired through a race, background or class feature as strictly "wallpaper" during combat (unless the player dictates otherwise). Also an animal trained for combat (like a warhorse) might be more willing to participate, possibly following the rules of a Warlock with Chain Pact (you may forgo an attack for your pet to take one) I'm thinking that they should act as though they are under the Frightened condition (disadvantage on all checks, cant move towards a hostile enemy) and possibly also only attack if backed against a wall. Obviously they cant be as usefull or powerfull as a ranger's companion, but they shouldnt be utterly useless either? What I'm asking is, how would you deal with animals that are purchased or tamed? As an adventurer, obviously my dogs would be at least accustomed to some combat, if not trained for it. Personally, I think utter panic would be too mean to a player, as they would run off. As a DM I have spent some time looking for rules about this, both in the books and on forums, but cant find any suggestions. However it is most likely that they will panic in some way.

However I was wondering what would happen in combat? now, as a rules lawyer the dogs would just stand still, as it says NOTHING. One of my characters has purchased 2 mastiffs and a sled (its a desert campaign, sled is better than cart on sand ) and is going to use that as his primary mode of transport. Now, there are plenty of rules for animals as mounts, pulling drawn vehicles, animal companions, or familiars, but I cant find any other rules. Animals can be tamed through Animal Handling over a longer period of time, and also purchased (Mastiff is listed under Equipment / Mounts and Other Animals). Just a quick questions to DMs (and experienced players) about animals that are NOT Animal Companions or Familiars. Been playing D&D for about 8 years now, mostly 3.5, but really enjoying 5th now, and have played that actively since late D&D Next. Heya, I'm a DM of 2 groups, and a player in 2 more.